


Sunday, June 7, 2015


One day, some years back, when I arrived the DC. USA, I went on sightseeing. Fro U-street, I rode on metro train, disembarked at "Gallery Pl-China Town. I thence walk downward to "Martin Luther King central Library". In the library, a girl came, sit by my table, and lured me into a toasting of love:
SHE: Hi, dude! 
ME: Hi, girlie!
SHE: Mi god, u "was" damn handsome!
ME: U "were" so pretty girliest!
SHE: Where "was" u from?
ME: I "were" from Nigeria.
SHE: I bet u "was"! Shows fro ya accent!
ME: Where "was" u, too, fro?
SHE: From Baltimore!
ME: I bet u "was"!
SHE: How did u?
ME: Got it fro ya English grammar assemblage!
SHE: Did I piss ya off?
ME: No, girlie!
SHE: What's ya name?
ME: Deola.
SHE: De-o-la! right?
ME: Ok, somewhat!
SHE: Never mind me. Gonna be calling ya "DEE".
ME: What's ya name?
SHE: Nutika
ME: Nutica?
SHE: U got it!
SHE:U married?
ME: No, I ain't.
SHE: C'mon, I got ya, dude!
SHE: U was so handsome inna dis open teeth. I can die for ya, men!
ME: I looked round us, finding the "men", but could see no other man than only me.

I was the "men"...a singular that had metamorphosed to a plural-courtesy of the American English!

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