


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


“You kissed me!
 My head drooped low on your breast;
With a feeling of shelter and infinite rest;
While the holy emotions my tongue dared not speak;
Flashed up as in flame, from my heart to my cheek;
Your arms held me fast;
Oh! Your arms were so bold;
Heart beat against heart in their passionate fold;
Your glances seemed drawing my soul through mine eyes;
As the sun draws the mist from the sea to the skies;
Your lips clung to mine till I prayed in my bliss;
They might never unclasp from the rapturous kiss.
You kissed me!
 My heart, my breath and my will;
In delirious joy for a moment stood still.
Life had for me then no temptations, no charms,
No visions of rapture outside of your arms;
And, were I this instant an angel possessed;
Of the peace and the joy that belong to the blest,
I would fling my white robes, unrepiningly, down.
I would tear from my forehead its beautiful crown,
To nestle once more in that haven of rest-
Your lips upon mine, my head on your breast
You kissed me:
My soul in bliss so divine;
Reeled and swooned like a drunkard when foolish with wine.
And I thought it were delicious to die there;
 If death, would but come;
While my lips were yet moist with your breath;
While your arms clasped me round in that blissful embrace;
While your eyes melt in mine;
Could even death ever efface?”
(From Josephine Hunt)

1 comment:

  1. Sweet valentine my love. Thanks for making this world so sweet and beautiful 4 me. Deola mi love ya 4eva!



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