


Saturday, June 15, 2013


Once upon a time, in the animal kingdom, somewhere in the jungle of Africa, there was a yearning to elect a king that would command the respect, and command authority of every animals of this world. Some among the animals felt elephant, because of his hugeness, would be the most appropriate to be the king. Hence, he was nominated. Some of the animals felt that Tiger, because of his boldness, should be made the king. He was also nominated. Some yet among the animals felt neither the Elephant nor the Tiger was appropriate. This group would rather prefer the Tortoise, because of his cunnings. They believe, the tortoise, with his tricks, would be able to manipulate human-beings and the amphibians. Therefore, Tortoise was also nominated. At last, three contestants: Elephant, Tiger, and Tortoise, emerged.
Campaign started with drumming and songs. From the Elephant camp, his supporters rang out the song seeking votes: (Ejeki afi Erin joba; Erekun ewele; Erin yio se daadaa; Erekun ewele…). TRANSLATION: (Let’s make Elephant our king; Easy does it; Elephant would make good; Our kingdom would be good: Easy does it)
The supporters of Tiger, countered with a recast or twist of this song, substituting Elephant’s name with Tiger’s: (Ejeki afi kiniun joba; Erekun ewele; Emase fi Erin joba; Erekun ewele; Erin yio teyin pa; Erekun ewele…). TRANSLATION: (Let’s make Tiger our king; Easy does it; don’t vote Elephant; He would trample you under; Easy does it)
Supporters from the Tortoise camp burst out in song: (Ejeki afi Ijapa joba; Erekun ewele; Nitori, Erin yio teyin pa; Erekun ewele; Kiniun yio payin je; Erekun ewele…). TRANSLATION(Let us vote the Tortoise; easy does it; Elephant would trample you under feet; Easy does it: Tiger would kill and eat you; Easy does it)
Not to prolong the story, election was done, and Tiger won. It quickly set up his cabinet, but unfortunately, biased to the Tiger families-Tigress, Lion, and Lioness. Swiftly, its reign doled out tyranny, killing, and cannibalism. Whenever he boomed everyone had to scamper for safety.
From this unto, the animals became conscious of their mistake to have elected the Tiger as king. However, the realization was just too late. The animals tried everything possible to depose the tiger, but till today, it has not been possible. Hence, the tortoise came back in song of mockery: (Se ao tiwipe kema fi Kiniun Joba? Erekun ewele; Erekun ewele! Kiniun npawa je; Tani ki a da lebi; Erekun ewele! Erekun, erekun; Erekun ewele!). TRANSLATION: (Hadn’t you been told not to vote the tiger? Easy does it; Now, he is killing you; who is to blame?) ==DEOLA

1 comment:

  1. Because of English e eh;
    Dem kill our language;
    Sweet African language;
    Na so, because of demoCRAZY;
    Dem kill our monarch;
    Beautiful African culture!
    Everybody come dey craze;
    Because of English e eh!!!



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