


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I was on the table;
Much engrossed;
With my blogging;
On the bed lay;
Propped up;
Is my angel;
Her back on a pillow;
Pillow against the wall;
She winked!
She called!
Deola mi!
Come, it’s time;
Come eat!
Come play e eh!
I beckoned to see;
On her chest board;
Dangles two mangoes;
Ripened in gold;
And on her lap;
Lays a pinkish apple;
O my god!
These are the prettiest fruits
I ever have seen;
In my entire life;
My hormone sparkled;
I feel tremor of;
Instant hunger;
I moved toward;
Cropped on my knee;
Crept up above her chest;
Devoured the mangoes;
Taste so sweet!
I exclaimed!
Climbed down to her lap;
Took bite of the apple;
So sweet!
Took the second bite;
My eyes opened;
A third bite;
I’m living forever;
I exclaimed!
She sighed,
She guided me;
Into a secret garden;
Through a keyhole;
Popped outward;
On the rear door;
Between hips;
She said, Deola:
“Peep inside”;
I did;
Saw a glowing;
Greenish space;
In moist aqueous;
Fenced in pink walls;
Its glow invited me;
My blood howled;
Seeing my fuss;
She said, Deola:
Come inside, now;
Out of the cold;
I inserted the key,
And entered;
Then, and suddenly;
It drizzled;
In warm shower;
Then, she whispered;
 Now, tell me, Deola;
In the Garden of Eden;
Is Adam wrong on Eve?
Go tell it to the world;
Upon the mountain;
Down in the valley;
The essence of life;
Is Love.


1 comment:

  1. E mase f'obirin sere;
    Deola ki nf'obirin sere;
    Okunrin to f'obirin sere;
    O daju wahala yo ba;
    T'obirin ba fariga penre;
    Eso yo di wiwon;
    Mango koni so rara;
    Apple koni so rara;
    E mase f'obirin sere

    Don't you mess women;
    Deola won't mess women;
    Man that mess women;
    Certainly,will suffer;
    Fruits will be scarce;
    There won't be mango;
    There won't be apple;
    So, don't mess women



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