


Monday, May 30, 2011


It ensued;
Last night;
In my sleep;
In the stillness;
Of the night;
I saw this;
Bright hand;
Glided over;
Gold strings;
Here comes;
The sun;
And, I say:
It’s alright!
Sun, sun, sun;
Here it comes!
Songs burst;
In pure tune;
It roused me;
I was incased;
In rapid bliss;
My thirst;
Burst in fire;
Its flame;
In turn, burnt;
Every vile;
That had;
Caged me;
Radiant rays;
Strike my soul;
A gate opens;
The gate to;
Dawn of joy;
The gate;
From which;
I had once,
Stumbled, took;
An attempt;
To open;
Now opened;
With ease!
Though, ‘am;
In a dream;
This blessing;
Will be mine;
Yes, it will!
I claim it!
Here comes;
The sun;
And, I say:
It’s alright!
Sun, sun, sun;
Here it comes!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

re: doomsday

Hahaha!!! I ain't seen myself riding up on chariot. I look up in the sky, and ain't seen nobody flying, neither heard a trumpet sound, except my accidental punch of my Honda car horn and the occasional thunder claps, as rain drizzles. Funny, very funny christian would decode spiritual vibration with the limited capability of intellectual brain.

Who could have ever imagined an octogenarian lying without a recourse to the imminent transition beckoning at him? Harold Camping lied-a real hit debut single that will definitely win the 2011 Grammy award. Yea, he did, in the heat of his dementia-a disease that has disproportionately over developed the balance between the hind and the frontal brain. Wonders! Some flock of the gullible fools around him dance to his drum of deceit.
Listening, you despondent ones, let the bandage falls from your eyes, and your believe in the inexorable laws of God becomes conviction. All these hordes of  religious fanatics and irresponsible enthusiasts are only detrimental to the truth. How should you have allowed Mr. Camping preyed upon you, so that the modicum of strength you had left to uplift you in the present time of economic recession is taken from you? Log out  all slavish adherence to religious fanaticism. Awake and pull down the walls of dogma that seek to prod you to worrisome how and when God will destroy the earth. 
Thank you. ===DEOLA(

Friday, May 13, 2011


I've been in truance some couple of months, a communicado that'd kept me off from my usual basket-mouthful  blogging. Unanticipated overtake did overtake overtake. However, am thnakful to God that the resultant confusion didn't break bone. If man no die, sebi, man no rotten, as is the wont of saying in my Nigeria English. Those who follow, and flow in the train of thoughts woulda be wondering whatcha gone wrong they didn't hear from me that long. Buddies, please, accept my apology. Soon-n-very soon, you're gonna see me talk. Soon-n-very soon, am gonna have to talk. Halleluja, halleluja, am gonna talk to y'all. I am gonna come gist ya "pafo-n-wen". But before then, please be good, and keep outta the smoky guns of the Niger delta o. Y'all know:
         There's power, abundant money power;
         In the oil of the land-Delta land;
         There's power, killing-n-maiming power;
         Going on in the land;
         Our delta land;
         Oh, power, oil money power.... 
=====DEE MCAGUNS==== (

Monday, May 9, 2011


In every life;
We have trouble;
When you worry;

You make it double;
Don't worry; 

Be happy!

Don't worry;

Be happy now;
Don't worry;

Be happy;
Ain't got place;

To lay your head;
Somebody came;

And took your bed;
Don't worry;

Be happy!

The landlord say: 

Your rent is late;
Have to litigate;
Don't worry;

Be happy;
Don't worry;

Be happy!

Ain't got cash;

Ain't got style;
Ain't got gal;

To make you smile;
Don't worry;

Be happy!

When you worry;
Your face will frown;
And that will bring;

Everybody down;
So, don't worry;

Be happy!

Don't worry;

Be happy now;
Don't worry;

Be happy!

There's this song; 

I wrote;
I hope you; 
Learned it; 
Note for note;
Like good children;

Don't worry;

Be happy!

Listen: i say;
In your life;

Expect trouble;
When you worry;

You make it double;
Don't worry;

Be happy;
Be happy now!

Don't worry;

Be happy;
Don't worry;

Be happy;
Don't worry; 

Don't worry;
Don't do it;
Be happy;

Put a smile;
On your face!

Don't worry;

It will soon pass; 
Whatever it is;
Don't worry;

Be happy.
=Deola (fro. Bob Marley)


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