


Monday, December 27, 2010

Ribadu 4 President

Nigeria, o Nigeria, you’ve learned the hard way;
Lo, you’ve realized, all that glitters isn't gold.
You were prosperous once;
You had dreams, and high hopes;
U4tunately, PDP stole your heart away;
She gave her love but what a high price you’ve paid;
All that glitters is not gold.

Why were you such an intelligent fool?
Thought you would make history;
Thought you'd made a love that’d be eternal;
Lo, you’ve found out the hard way;
All that glitters is not gold.

Here you’re waiting for a better day, a second chance;
A hope to liberate, a hope that you can divorce;
And wake in the world devoid of bondage;

It's not 2 late, go cast and not sells your vote;
Because all that you have is your VOTE;
All that you have, all that you have;
All that you have is your VOTE. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

angelic heralds

Holy night! Exultant singing and jubilation!
Hossanah! Hoassanah! Hosassanah;
Sound of distant bells, peace everywhere!
A happy sigh of relieve pervades creation;
For no reason, but the birth of divine Love;
Jesus Christ, the great bringer of Truth.
 Holy night! Exultant singing and jubilation!
Awake, o souls who're waiting for redemption;
Lo, the rosy dawn glows in the ethereal sky;
Hossanah! Hallelujah! Hossanah! Hallelujah!
Why tarried ye, o men! Don't let a fetter holds you;
Make firm resolution to open yourselves to true purity;
Because, only in true purity can divine Love enter you;
Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure;
Make everything you think and do into a service to God;
Thence, will you bring peace and be happy.
Merry C H R I S T M A S to you. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010


As on the day that gave me to the world;
Faced 're the planets by the sun's salute;
Thenceforward didst I ever more increase;
Under the law by which I didst set out;
So must I be, I canst not flee my self;
Thus spake aforetime, prophet thus;
And no time nor power can e'er destroy;
The moulded form that, living, doth evolve.
(J.W. v. Goethe)=DEOLA (Fro. Herbert Vollmann-a GATE OPENS)

Monday, December 6, 2010

a door opens

My love is on a roll;
Yea, it is on a roll again;
on and on, sure on a roll;
I feel love on a roll again;
For Sayo, yea I feel love
as it goes on a roll;
mi love is on a roll;
I feel love,and I don't wanna stop;
Till I ain’t got enough.


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