Lo, you’ve realized, all that glitters isn't gold.
You were prosperous once;
You had dreams, and high hopes;
U4tunately, PDP stole your heart away;
She gave her love but what a high price you’ve paid;
All that glitters is not gold.
Why were you such an intelligent fool?
Thought you would make history;
Thought you'd made a love that’d be eternal;
Lo, you’ve found out the hard way;
All that glitters is not gold.
Here you’re waiting for a better day, a second chance;
A hope to liberate, a hope that you can divorce;
And wake in the world devoid of bondage;
It's not 2 late, go cast and not sells your vote;
Because all that you have is your VOTE;
All that you have, all that you have;
All that you have is your VOTE.
= = =DEOLA(http://mcaguns.blogspot.com/)